February 23, 2011

A nauseating day.
I.e. migraine.
So I'm gonna tag it here.

haiz, far from perfect day.
didn't do anything weird today...
glad for that at least.

the same nervous feeling all over again...
the one where you're not sure you're fully prepared for the tasks set out b4 you..
its going to be 2 very long weeks. or if you think about it...
4days of intenseness...1 day of rest...
then 4 more days of pure weight lifting and shagness.
but I guess that's all that Battle King will encompass.
And I'll come back a tougher man.
I hope.

one that someone out there is pining for.
the stuff of dreams that never happen to me.
denied, time and time again.
and with this one...
you think I'll even dare to jump?

so many inhibitions..
so much weight.
so much pain, so much pain.

last of the bunch
to be plucked.
but with all the others having wilted
the only thing I'm prepared for is to be jilted.

neither the past, present nor future
holds any promise.
I can only live on
but I'm all ready to pass on.

not that getting together would make things any better.

{ gone at 22:59 }

February 3, 2011

sahshiburi da ne.

Chinese New year come and gone.
great holiday
I just hope nothing goes wrong.

CNY is very much different for me
since I've such a small extended family.
kinda boring, since there's no real crowd or hoo ha.
but its still family I guess.

means also less ang pao money hHAHAHA
and less interactions, cousin-ly fun.
but its the only day in a year i get to eat with my dad.
strange, huh.

wrote a poem thinking about you.
about why I should not be thinking about you.
but its a chain, and I won't refrain
from loving you the way it should.

but that's if.

got burnt too many times alrd. and you'd think this time I'll learn
that I'm not the one, ever.

{ gone at 00:03 }

