September 21, 2008

back to the beginning
when i knew no one...
lived in a shell since primary school
limited by my mother, termed 'bad company,'
well at least in my neighbourhood...
and so, grew up with no friends...
lived furthest from my neighbour school...
classmates knew each other, always talking with each other...
was just a shadow then...then up the echelons i climbed,
gained a rebellious attitude...very least, i hurt my mom pretty bad then...
still, scrapped through PSLE and entered MSHS...
another culture shock, wildness to a new degree,
me and the little innocence didn't fit in...
but taint crept in, and I'm still living what it was to be a Marist...
or so i think...
4 years of academic fun and boredom,
surprised myself at the end, to the point of tears of joy...
but with my marks, came the freedom of choice,
and choice i now regret...or maybe not...
but this time round, being a Marist has no more meaning,
being myself has no more meaning...
in from an all guys to co-ed...
still thinking, "am i doing the right thing?" each time i do stuff...
and then came a love burning back...
now rescinded into the corners of my mind...
i dunno anymore...
lived like a ghost with no purpose,
followed and followed to no end...
i'm pathetic...

Love Me Tender,
Love Me Sweet,
Never Let Me Go.
You Have Made My Life Complete,
And I Love You So.

{ gone at 19:53 }

