in two minds, in two minds
i mean, started out good,
then bad
then wonderful,
then anti-climax...sometimes...seriously
nice morning, cool and lovely
popped over to polyclinic, to see if they could adminster me malaria pills
so waited 2 hrs, for the doc to tell me cannot, (receptionists are useless)
then go TTSH, kena fked, like $170 for a measly 17 pills
can ya imagine that...and still, that entailed like another 3 hours...
at least Mavis outing was fun...though...HOLES IN ME POCKET, DAH!
Seoul Garden, eat and eat and eat
and poor sardine, made fun of her so cham...though XH and sis didn't fair much better
"I'm Sixty," so says vanessa
not bad ah, sis...teach me ur anti-aging tips:P
argued with me mum over hearsay...HEARSAY, OMG...
wish i kept my mouth shut...really...
Times A Past
Life's A Wasting
What Have You Done With It
So Far?